Let's Talk
General Inquiries
Main box
Closing requests for 2024 in May.
16 rue Théophile Mousseau
85200 Fontenay-Le-Comte
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rue Vandergoten 4
1160 Auderghem, Brussels
Always opened
for great missions.
Art Director
If you think you need to handle common image editing tools and create innovative UI/UX concepts, you should consider calling a certified Art Director.
Required Skills
- certified experience in digital/media design
- Tendance spotting
- professional in Photoshop, Illustrator
- coordinating and leading a team
- communicating with clients
Audio/Video Editor
You need to record, edit and produce audio and video, take and edit photographs or develop extensive animations ? Contact me.
Required Skills
- Media standards exhaustive knowledge
20 years practical experience
- professional in Premiere, After Effects
- creating 2D/3D visuals and animations
- collaborating with Art Director
Media Workflow Engineering
You need to bring a media assets methodology to industrial process, set up quality standards and cost-effective digital transformation, just ask.
Required Skills
- complete IT-tech speaker
- Code reader ability
- project lifecycle management
- working in a team
- coordinating with high tech suppliers
Send me your request, project guidelines and your latest portfolio.